Assalamualaikum, Hello, Annyeonghaseyo!
Awww, aww happy birthday Shindonggggg oppa! :3 Awww.. Aww dia dah makin handsome sejak dia kurus. Dari 90kg ke 57kg? Siottlahhh. Nak cepat kurus macam dia. Pleaselah :( Apa tips dia ek sampai boleh turun berat secara mendadak? Anyybodyy knowwssss? Kalau tahu, inform me okayyy! Hahaha x)
Yeobo-ah! Ahaha handsomenya :3
So have you guys listened to A-cha? You guys should! Daebak sungguh lagu and mv dia :) Okay seriously semua hot-hot! D'awwww. Aku baru perasan dah setahun aku jadi ELF yang setia :3 Ohh baby saranghae XD ~ Kalau korang ELF, korang patut tengok videonya and increasekan views untuk GDA because we got screwed right? Hmm yeah. Tolonglah yeee I want them to have a joyful tear this year! thanks :3
Keep calm, enjoy the video & listens to A-Cha. Salam :3