Assalamualaikum, Hello, Annyeonghaseyo!
I just updated my fanfic! Oh, unexpected moment. So yeah, click here if you want to read. Im waiting for this moment for the past 8 months o-o So yeah, Im walking to my own chatbox and I saw this message from Mr. Sepet and it was a tag from him. So I need to do this.. even im too lazy ass. So yeah, lets see my unwillingly replies. XDDD /le' laughs/
- You must post these rules.
- Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
- Answer the questions that tagger set for you in their post. And create eleven new questions for the people you tagged to answer.
- You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post.
- Go to their page and tell them HIM/HER
- No tag back!
- No stuff in the tagging section about "YOU ARE TAGGED IF YOU ARE READING THIS" YOU LEGITIMATELY (a.k.a REALLY, TRUST, WITH ALL HONESTY) have tagged 11 people.
11 things about me.
- Im born socially awkward.
- Having too much spazzes on Key, especially when Im looking into his sexy parts
- Lazy ass fanfiction writer
- Craving for Rilakkuma so bad
- I dont like smoker
- Hardcore of dubstep remix
- Loves English
- Hates Math
- 2012's PMR candidate. Wish me for lucks!
- I love Kesha and Dev
- Certified singer in bathroom LOOOOOL. XD
My answers for Mr. Sepet
- Haha, dah mamam. Jangan risau yee pak xD
- Google Chrome
- Jenama sukan? hmm tak tahu.
- Twitter. Facebook sucks.
- *shrugs* Android?
- Maxis
- Better by SHINee
- Layan, umm Detective Conan
- Doktor
- Bolehlah.
- I dont do chat much.
Questions for who get tagged by me.
- Whats your fav artist? List them.
- Handphone you are using?
- Name me your fav songs.
- Do you have DSLR?
- Did you fly to overseas before?
- Whats your fav thing to do in school?
- Do you read fanfics?
- Your fav movie?
- Fav quotes so far..?
- Describes your crush.
- Whats your fav food? xDD
So, result PMR korang cmne? Okay?? ♥ :D