The Whole Issue Regarding T-ara
I personally think that whenever a new addition is made to the group, there’s bound to be some conflicts. Let’s take Suju for example. When Kyuhyun first joined the group, we all know how hard of a time he had. Being the newest and the youngest member, they all bullied him and have even admitted to having hated him at first. But look at them now after all these years. I don’t think they can possibly live without their evil maknae. Of course, there came a time where they almost lost Kyuhyun, which just made them realize how much they really treasure his presence.
Now let’s look at T-ara. Nobody knows for sure but there’s a lot of evidence supporting the rumors of Hwayoung being bullied. I’m not that big of a T-arafan but like everyone else, I can’t help but become engrossed with the recent issues arising regarding this whole fiasco.
First of all, the only thing I’m sure of is that I feel sorry for Hwayoung. She seems like such a nice girl and I just couldn’t believe it when their CEO claimed that Hwayoung has ‘attitude problems’. The girl’s already supposedly being bullied and there’s the added weight where the staff of their company are supposedly complaining about her. Now even their CEO himself has released statements saying that Hwayoung frequently misbehaved, which is part of the reason why they had chosen to terminate her contract.
I must admit that I have become convinced that these reports of Hwayoungbeing bullied are indeed true. With all of those tweets from the other members and most curiously, Boram unfollowing her on Twitter, it can’t help but make you a bit suspicious. Let’s just all take a moment to applaud Qri for choosing not to take any part in this. She seems to be just about the only person in the group that actually has a connection with Hwayoung and a good one at that.
When the word ‘bullying’ comes to mind, you can’t help but assume that it’s just harmless teasing such as when SNSD makes fun of Tiffany and her difficulty with Korean language or how Suju never fails to mention how they think thatEunhyuk is the ugliest member. But unfortunately, this seems to be more serious than just a few playful antics.
Evidently on an episode of Star Life Theater, we can see Jiyeon puttingHwayoung down, claiming that she’s only reading because the camera’s on. And there was also an incident where Jiyeon went around, each giving the members a high five; everyone but Hwayoung. And Eunjung could very well have suffocated Hwayoung when she stuffed a rice cake in her mouth. When you look at it, it seems harmless enough but rice cakes are not to be played with. Because of its texture, rice cakes could very well choke or suffocate you, especially in such a way as it being stuffed down your throat. There are many other incidents in which I choose not to elaborate on.
Now, the most convincing piece of evidence is probably a post that Hwayounghad supposedly written some time ago. She claims that the members treat her as if she was invisible and have even left her alone in the dorm while everyone else was out grocery shopping. Yet when the cameras are on, they all pretend to be chummy with her. It’s really rather disheartening if you think about it. It makes you wonder how many idols are actually pretending to be close with each other on camera and actually treat each other like a piece of dirt in private.
This just proves to us how easily we can be deceived from what we see on camera. Thinking about this whole incident regarding Hwayoung, I can’t help but wonder what it would be like if I were in her shoes. I admire her for staying strong all this time.
My best wishes to Ryu Hwayoung. I hope she continues her career (because God knows she has a lot of potential) and finds another company, one where she can be treated the way she deserves to be treated.